POTS Replacement Service

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Elevator cellular phone lines
We specialize in elevator POTS Line replacement for Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego and surrounding areas. Why pay the expensive cost of telephone landlines when we can install a cellular elevator telephone line that are less expensive and more reliable than your existing landline service.

Fire Alarm cellular phone lines
We install a commercial strength cellular elevator communicator which will take the place of your old and expensive phone lines. This will provide a dedicated phone line that is fully code compliant. The FCC Forbearance Order 19-72A1 requires that all POTS Lines in the U.S. be replaced with an alternative service by August 2, 2023.
Paying too much for your Elevator Phone?
Far less expensive than traditional phone lines
More Reliable in emergency situations
Immediate Savings
LIC #1089150
Licensed & Trusted by Thousands
Am I required to upgrade my POTS Line?
The FCC Forbearance Order 19-72A1 requires that all POTS Lines in the U.S. be replaced with an alternative service by August 2, 2023. The order effectively ushers an end-of-life scenario for traditional analog copper POTS line systems. This also means that this aging and disintegrating infrastructure which provides life-saving emergency communications for our various mission-critical systems must be replaced without disruption. The challenges of this replacement mandate can and will provide an enormous challenge for businesses, individuals, and industries alike.
What is your phone line replacement strategy?
The FCC order does not give the customer a clear picture on when the providers will decommission your POTS lines. Your providers have the permission to do this at any time, so do you have a plan in place for when that happens? What will you do when they raise your prices or decommission your phone lines?
What is a POTS Line?
POTS lines (Plain Old Telephone Lines) are old-fashioned copper wires connected to a standard telephone that provides the power and connectivity to the telephone service provider’s central switching system. In other words, POTS lines are traditional analog phone service businesses used for voice, alarm lines, and elevator emergency phone lines.